11 March 2024

NASA Early Career Scientist Spotlight featuring Dr. Angel Mojarro

NASA Early Career Scientist Spotlight featuring Dr. Angel Mojarro

The following spotlight is reposted from: https://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/600/ECSS/Angel-Mojarro.html. Link to Dr. Mojarro’s GSFC biography: https://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sci/bio/angel.mojarro Early Career Scientist Spotlight Dr. Angel Mojarro (he/him/his) Organic GeochemistAstrochemistry Laboratory (691) What is your research focus? My research is focused on biomarker preservation and the origins of life. In other words, I study how fossils form, how they might persist through […]

12 September 2022



Our wonderful colleagues at Geomark Research shared some Geomark shirts with us after our most recent meetup at the 2022 Gordon Research Conference for Organic Geochemistry. We couldn’t help but take new group photos with them — especially in front of our GC/MS Triple Quad! Thanks, Geomark!

19 September 2021

Red Sox v. New York Mets

Red Sox v. New York Mets

Not a spoiler: We all got to enjoy the Red Sox win together!