No courses offered AY 2022-2023.
Spring 2022
- 12.S493 Current Research in Geobiology
Fall 2021
- 12.158/12.458 Molecular Biogeochemistry
Spring 2021
- 12.S493 Mass Spectrometry Seminar
Fall 2020
- 12.158/12.458 Molecular Biogeochemistry
Spring 2020
- 12.S493 Current Research in Geobiology
Fall 2019
- 12.158/12.458 Molecular Biogeochemistry
Spring 2019
- 12.S493 Current Research in Geobiology
Fall 2018
- Course 12.158/12.458 Molecular Biogeochemistry (also taught 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009, and 2006)
- 12.S493 Forensics of Food
A snapshot of Forensics of Food on lecture “Kombucha” in Fall 2018
Spring 2018
- Course 12.007: Geobiology
(also taught 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, and 2003)
Previous Listings
- Course 12.097/12.099: Exploring Astrobiology: Is There Anything Out There?
(taught during IAP in January 2012)
Public outreach
Members of the Summons lab are actively involved in the development of geobiological Virtual Field Trips, a collaboration with our colleagues at ASU and the Australian Centre for Astrobiology. You can visit completed virtual explorations of Shark Bay and several exciting sites in the Flinders Ranges in Australia. For a peek behind the scenes of VFTs currently in development, head to this blog post about our 2013 expedition to Western Australia.
For a more detailed description of our informal science education and public outreach efforts, please visit the Foundations of Complex Life site, or follow us on twitter.
To follow our lab members, follow #summonslab on Twitter and Instagram.