11 March 2024

NASA Early Career Scientist Spotlight featuring Dr. Angel Mojarro

NASA Early Career Scientist Spotlight featuring Dr. Angel Mojarro

The following spotlight is reposted from: https://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/600/ECSS/Angel-Mojarro.html. Link to Dr. Mojarro’s GSFC biography: https://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sci/bio/angel.mojarro Early Career Scientist Spotlight Dr. Angel Mojarro (he/him/his) Organic GeochemistAstrochemistry Laboratory (691) What is your research focus? My research is focused on biomarker preservation and the origins of life. In other words, I study how fossils form, how they might persist through […]

6 December 2020

A Semester of BIOmarkers

A Semester of BIOmarkers

This year, Summons Lab graduate students Fatima Husain and Angel Mojarro, along with UROP Juliana Drozd, kicked off BIOmarkers, an audio series that archives the oral history of organic geochemistry. Take a listen! Episode 8 – Dr. Katherine Freeman, Part 2 In the eighth episode of BIOmarkers, the audio series that archives the oral history […]

17 November 2020

To Mars… and Back!

To Mars… and Back!

On November 17th, 2020, Roger Summons and graduate student Fatima Husain were invited to speak during MIT Better World’s Toronto science event. Husain hosted two sessions that discussed the Mars 2020 mission and sample return, while Summons, along with fellow EAPS faculty Tanja Bosak and Benjamin Weiss, shared their expertise as members of the expert […]

9 September 2020

Highlighting Women in Geobiology: Dr. Heather Graham

Highlighting Women in Geobiology: Dr. Heather Graham

Current Role:  I am a research associate with Catholic University of America but I work at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in the Astrobiology Analytical Laboratory. Research Foci:  My research focuses on developing tools and techniques for biosignature detection, especially for life that does not share the same biochemistry as life on Earth. What drew […]

19 August 2020

Highlighting Women in Geobiology: Dr. Dawn Sumner

Highlighting Women in Geobiology: Dr. Dawn Sumner

Current Role: I am currently a professor at the University of California, Davis, in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. I am also part of the Microbiology Graduate Group at UCD, as well as Chair of the Advisory Board for the Feminist Research Institute at UCD. Research Foci and Initiatives: My main research interests […]

18 July 2020

Graduate Student Fatima Husain gives an MIT Chat

Graduate Student Fatima Husain gives an MIT Chat

This summer, Summons Lab graduate student and Curiosity Correspondent Fatima Husain spoke with students from around the world as part of her MIT Chat. Check out the webinar in which Fatima describes organic geochemistry and biology and her path to it to middle school students.

17 July 2020

Highlighting Women in Geobiology at MIT: Dr. Lily Momper

Highlighting Women in Geobiology at MIT: Dr. Lily Momper

Current Role: I work in the field of environmental consulting for a firm called Exponent. Years in the Summons Lab: I was in the Summons Lab as the W.O. Crosby Postdoctoral Fellow from 2016-2018. Favorite Memory: My favorite MIT-related memories were the Summons lab retreat in 2017 and field work I did in Hamelin Pool, Western Australia (north […]

6 May 2020

Outreach Idea: Column Chromatography

Outreach Idea: Column Chromatography

Here at the Summons Lab, we’re always working to enhance our science outreach efforts, and sometimes, that involves seeking inspiration online from peers in the organic geochemistry community. Outreach isn’t a one-person job — it’s a community effort!

4 May 2020

Gravity Assist: Could We Find Billion-Year-Old Cholesterol? With Lindsay Hays (Summons Lab Alum!)

Gravity Assist: Could We Find Billion-Year-Old Cholesterol? With Lindsay Hays (Summons Lab Alum!)

When we search for life beyond Earth, we have to figure out what we could measure that would tell us that life was, or is, there. And the starting place for that search must be Earth itself, the only place where we know for sure that life has lived. Every rock tells a story, and […]

15 February 2020

Ainara Sistiaga interviewed for #STEMStories

Ainara Sistiaga interviewed for #STEMStories

Excerpt: “I always liked history and human evolution, the mysteries of our history were my passion as a kid, but also liked a lot nature and Earth history. In college I decided to study history, with a major in Prehistory. From my freshman year I joined a archaeological excavation on Neanderthals. There I discovered you […]