19 August 2020

Highlighting Women in Geobiology: Dr. Dawn Sumner

Highlighting Women in Geobiology: Dr. Dawn Sumner

Current Role: I am currently a professor at the University of California, Davis, in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. I am also part of the Microbiology Graduate Group at UCD, as well as Chair of the Advisory Board for the Feminist Research Institute at UCD. Research Foci and Initiatives: My main research interests […]

18 November 2019

Continuing a Legacy of Antarctic Exploration

Continuing a Legacy of Antarctic Exploration

by Fatima Husain When Robert F. Scott’s Discovery expedition began their exploration of the Antarctic continent in 1901, they set out to achieve two goals: to geographically and scientifically characterize the regions touched by the Ross Sea. As the group of naval officers and scientists set foot upon the Ross Ice Shelf, they mapped their travels and […]