12 September 2022



Our wonderful colleagues at Geomark Research shared some Geomark shirts with us after our most recent meetup at the 2022 Gordon Research Conference for Organic Geochemistry. We couldn’t help but take new group photos with them — especially in front of our GC/MS Triple Quad! Thanks, Geomark!

6 December 2020

A Semester of BIOmarkers

A Semester of BIOmarkers

This year, Summons Lab graduate students Fatima Husain and Angel Mojarro, along with UROP Juliana Drozd, kicked off BIOmarkers, an audio series that archives the oral history of organic geochemistry. Take a listen! Episode 8 – Dr. Katherine Freeman, Part 2 In the eighth episode of BIOmarkers, the audio series that archives the oral history […]

17 November 2020

To Mars… and Back!

To Mars… and Back!

On November 17th, 2020, Roger Summons and graduate student Fatima Husain were invited to speak during MIT Better World’s Toronto science event. Husain hosted two sessions that discussed the Mars 2020 mission and sample return, while Summons, along with fellow EAPS faculty Tanja Bosak and Benjamin Weiss, shared their expertise as members of the expert […]

18 July 2020

Graduate Student Fatima Husain gives an MIT Chat

Graduate Student Fatima Husain gives an MIT Chat

This summer, Summons Lab graduate student and Curiosity Correspondent Fatima Husain spoke with students from around the world as part of her MIT Chat. Check out the webinar in which Fatima describes organic geochemistry and biology and her path to it to middle school students.

18 November 2019

Ring by Ring

Ring by Ring

A collaboration of current and former EAPS researchers reveals the genes that enable GDGTs to cyclize  by Fatima Husain Nestled within sediments that accumulate in marine environments, a certain class of molecule-sized fossils sneakily record surface water temperature changes over time. For almost two decades, scientists have used these molecules called glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether […]

8 September 2019

The Summons Lab presents at IMOG 2019

The Summons Lab presents at IMOG 2019

Six members of the Summons Lab traveled from Cambridge, Massachusetts to Göteborg, Sweden, to present their ongoing research at the International Meeting of Organic Geochemistry. The meeting, which takes place every two years, hosts organic geochemists from around the world, and features a combination of talks, posters, and opportunities for colleagues to connect. All Summons […]

10 July 2019

How Analyzing Rocks Helps Us Communicate Science

How Analyzing Rocks Helps Us Communicate Science

On July 12th, 2019, Summons Lab member Fatima Husain gave an invited talk at HubWeek Open Doors about applying geochemistry through astrobiology and paleoclimate, and science communication.