Highlighting Women in Geobiology at MIT: Dr. Paula Welander

Current Role: I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth System Science at Stanford. Years in the Summons Lab: July 2010 through Dec 2012 Favorite Memories: I remember how cold the lab was! I always had to wear multiple sweatshirts under my lab coat and would have to go get tea in the middle of […]
Highlighting Women in Geobiology at MIT: Dr. Jessica Whiteside

Current Role: I am an associate professor of geochemistry at the University of Southampton, based in the National Oceanography Centre in Southern England. I specialize in molecular paleontology, that is, I use fossil chemical fingerprints as clues to ancient ecologies and environmental change. Years in the Summons Lab: I was in the Summons lab in […]
Highlighting Women in Geobiology at MIT: Dr. Katherine French

Story Caption: Dr. French with Dr. Emily Matys, another graduate of the Summons Lab. Current Role: I am currently a research geochemist in the Central Energy Resource Science Center at the USGS in Denver, CO. I apply molecular and isotopic geochemistry to petroleum system research. Years in the Summons Lab:I was a Ph.D. student in […]