Cambridge Science Festival!

Posted on Apr 10, 2016


The Cambridge Science Festival is fast approaching us! Starting on Friday April 15th, the festival is an annual 10-day celebration of science, technology, engineering, art and math in Cambridge and beyond. Collaborators for the festival include MIT, Harvard University, the City of Cambridge and the Museum of Science. Every spring, the festival makes science accessible, engaging and fun for everyone through a host of exhibitions, activities and multicultural events. This year the festival is celebrating its 10th anniversary, and it promises to be a memorable one. The Summons Lab will be actively involved, together with other members of MIT EAPS department and the NAI Astrobiology Team Foundations for Complex Life.

The Science Carnival & Robot Zoo will happen on Saturday, April 16. This is an action-packed free carnival with science and technology exhibitors from around the globe. The Summons Lab and the NASA Astrobiology Institute Foundations for Complex Life time will have two stands side by side. We will be inviting everyone to come along and take their shot at the recently developed app game ‘Earth History in 60 Seconds’. This is an exciting, fast-paced, multiplayer game testing your knowledge of major events in Earth’s long history in 60 seconds! The app is available for download on iTunes here. We will also be providing an interactive demonstration and discussion of the amazing science of ‘molecular fossils’. Roll your sleeves up and join us for a molecular fossil hunt! The carnival will be on at the Cambridge Rindge & Latin Field House, Cambridge Public Library, Broadway and Ellery Street. It will run from 12:00-4:00pm.

Christy Grettenberger will be leading guided tours of ‘A Walk Through Geologic Time’. Earth’s history stretches back over 4.567 billion years—how are we supposed to grasp such a vast number? We’ve shrunken it down to a third of a mile along the Charles River, and invite you to join us on a walk through time to tour the many incredible events during Earth’s long and storied history. The tours will run on April 15th & 16th at 5:30 pm, and on April 17th at 11 am and 5:30 pm. All tours will meet at the intersection of Mass. Ave. and Memorial Drive (MIT side), lasts approximately 45 minutes and are totally FREE!

Shane will be given a science outreach talk for CafeSci Boston (presented by NOVA). His talk is titled ‘Hunting for fossil fat in Earth’s History’. The event will be held at Le Laboratoire (650 East Kendall Street) on Tuesday 19th April from 7 to 8pm. The talk is free, informal and open to the public. Here is a link to the event on Eventbrite and Boston Calendar.

Check out the full list of events for the Cambridge Science Festival on the festival website and the blog. A detailed calendar of events is available here.